“Dear Lord, where do I begin?” Marie stretched and yawned. The consistent ringing of the phone had awakened her out of a deep, needful rest. “These telemarketers don’t give a flying fig about time or privacy.” She rolled over to look at the clock. “Gee, it’s only 9:30 in the morning, and here they are […]
Books & Short Stories
Chapter 10: Fathers Day
Marie put down her pen and glanced over at the clock—it was 10:45 a.m. “Lord, the morning sure does seem to be creeping by. Is it because I’m so excited about my lunch with you and Jen or because you’ve slowed it down?” “You’ve been up for six hours already—it just seems like time is […]
The Closed Door
June 2, 1993 The Closed Door (I Stand at The Door and Knock) Harold was a quiet man in his mid-thirties, who never actually became involved in much of anything nor involved too much with anyone. He was what we many times call, a loner. Harold lived a simple life and he never made it […]