While there are yet so many negative things said and negative things experienced from the building called church, the church has to the disbelief of some, very great and positive advantages. Church like the reading of a book must be ventured into with the author. Without the authentic insight and understanding of the author we will many times draw our own conclusions which most of the times leads to confusion.
In today’s fellowship with the staff of Flip the Script we conversed about truth. There is no confusion in truth. Confusion comes about when we add to or subtract from truth to justify means that are contrary to truth. One prime example is a caution light. The caution light has three commands; stop, go and proceed with caution. There is no confusion in either of the commands yet, confusion comes when the command is broken and we’re facing penalties for breaking the command especially when we’re trying to justify a right for the wrong.
Under the proper guidance of the Holy Spirit the church can be the most inspiring place to visit and to receive healing for the spirit. mind, and body. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the church can be and in many places is a major part of people’s spiritual growth. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the church aids in insights needed to help in life. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the church functions as it has been called to do; be a help.
When ever man loses sight of God and becomes the focus of his own attentions and intentions confusion, hurt, pain, anxiety, disappointment and so much more comes into play. With these many things named, people get hurt, wounded, heart broken, discouraged and some give up on God altogether because of bad church experiences. When the head loses his focus so does the body and confusion sets in destroying so much in its path.
Keeping your focus of God and the leading of His Spirit is imperative when going to church. Both wheat and tare come together in church settings from the pulpit to the door. Losing your focus of why you go to church and your focus on whom you go to worship and serve will lead you into pastures of confusion, anguish and pain. Placing your dependency on man to work your salvation or walk with God will lead you into more troubled water.
If we allow the Holy Spirit to do His perfect work of leading, teaching, convincing, convicting, maturing and conforming us into the very image of Christ Jesus, we will find church to be a wonderful place to experience. Eat from its table that which is healthy and good and leave the junk food for those whose desire nothing more.